Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My Favorite Books: Part 1. The Honorable Mention Favorites

I’m not sure exactly what I expected when I decided to write a blog, but it certainly wasn’t this. I’m pretty sure I thought that no one would actually read my blog (besides the Senator, because I asked him to proof-read the first post…) but you, dear readers, have defied my expectations! The total page views have climbed over 100, and I can’t thank you enough! In fact, I'm kind of freaking out about it in the best possible way!!!  Hopefully you liked what you read enough to stay tuned as I continue to update.

Speaking of updates, this is one, in case you weren’t aware. I started working on this post this weekend and was expecting to have it up by the end of Sunday. But then, as always, life got in the way. I realized that between the 23rd and the 27th, which is next week, I have to turn in two research papers, a memorized presentation in Italian complete with an impressive Powerpoint, a movie report, two tests, and a final Theory project. I came to the sad realization that I needed to finish my research papers slightly more than I needed to write a blog post in between my rehearsals and concerts. However, do not despair, dear readers! I wasn’t about to miss my fortnight deadline 2 posts in!

So I’m currently typing this in between classes because I accidentally left my Music History research notes at home and there aren’t any practice rooms open, which is the norm during lunch hours. I’m typing frantically and I keep misspelling words like “people” but I AM getting this blog post written in my non-spare time! The next few blog posts may be typed in a similar harried fashion, but I hope they are of enough quality, or at least entertainment, to keep you interested in what I have to say!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Not-So-Brief Introduction

I’m not sure how to write a blog.

I get the basic idea of it, of course, but unlike short stories, or sonnets, or Music History Research Papers (which seem so important to my degree that they deserve to be capitalized), blogs are frustratingly free of specifications. Obviously there are millions (trillions probably) of blogs on the Interscape, but relatively few are highly read or even noted, and of those, there are few consistent formats that truly explain how to write a blog post. Specifically, I don’t know how to write a first blog post.