Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Quick Update

Hey guys! Thanks so much for being so supportive and amazing with the blog so far! Any time I see someone has commented, or someone mentions it in conversation, my mood is instantly brightened (and that's something I've needed this last fortnight.)

I finished all my research papers and presentations, and now, about 20,000 words and a great deal of sleep deprivation later, I'm all caught up until Juries next Thursday, and all my finals (starting from tomorrow til next Saturday.)

Unfortunately, I'm a little swamped right now with getting ready for all of that, in addition to Professional Symphony Orchestra rehearsals that take up my entire evenings all this week, and so I'm not quite finished with my next post.

However, I promise to have it uploaded sometime on Saturday! And, in addition, I will have an additional post up sometime that next week, so you don't have to wait an entire fortnight until the next post!!!

Sorry about the delay! I haven't forgotten about everyone reading this blog! Your patience shall be rewarded soon!

Until then,


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